After Jack Wintermute spent months of planning, selling tickets to Rotarians, gathering up giveaways, and arranging for a great viewing box and buffet for the Blue Rocks baseball game in Delaware last week, the game was called due to rain and impeding storms. Although only about half of the Rotarians who bought tickets actually showed up, it was a fun evening of socializing, delicious food ,and a prime spot in the Bluewinkles Diamond Club guest box. Because there was little rain to begin with, many folks ventured outdoors to watch the monkey rodeo! That's right! Three monkeys riding dogs raced around the edges of the field, delighting game goers and the several children and  grandchildren who attended with their Rotarian parents and grandparents. And as he does, Jack (seen here with Cathy Palmquist), had enough giveaways so that almost every family got at least one gift in the drawing. A fun evening despite no baseball game. P.S. Keep your tickets. They're good at a future game of your choice.