"Promoting Rotary in sunshine and fresh air" was how Sue Casso Rogers described Sunday afternoon at the annual Melton Center Community Day event.
Manning the table with Jeff Cantwell, they had a close-up view of the young men playing a lively basketball game on the court in front of them. Just four Rotarians responded to John Schwab's request for volunteers, despite Sue's "sunshine and fresh air" prompting. This is the second recent area event at which Sue has volunteered. Volunteering with her is always fun because, as club secretary and membership chair (among other things!), Sue has a wealth of information about Rotary, which is always interesting. There will be additional outdoor "sunshine and fresh air" events coming up this fall, so plan to volunteer when you hear of other opportunities to engage with the larger community, spread the word and provide information about Rotary, and enjoy fun times with fellow Rotarians.